
Plant Spirit Medicine is a gentle, on going, and cradle to grave type of medicine.  We live in a turbulent environment laden with stress and chaos.  Our bodies, mind and spirit are constantly under attack by our environment.  We get out of balance as compared to the natural world and this out of balance is where illness and disease take root.  Each PSM treatment builds on the last and brings our body, mind and spirit into beautiful balance.  This allows for the best possible circumstances for us to heal.  Healing done in this method is not overnight.  Instead, it follows the natural cycles and healing process of mother nature.

The first several treatments work best if done once a week.  After a certain point in your healing, treatments can then begin to be spaced out and taken as needed.

Initial diagnostic and intake session:
$180 (typically 2-3 hr.)
Follow up treatment:
$90 (60-90 min.)

To schedule a treatment go to the contact me page.