About Me


Hi, my name is Tony Dusek and I am a plant spirit medicine healer.

Ever since I was young, I was deeply interested in the whys, the whats and the hows of things.  I never liked to take things simply as they are.   As I got older I took a class on Buddhist philosophy and it changed the way I looked at the world.  It led me down a path to reading many books on metaphysics, reality and healing modalities.  I ultimately went to school to become an Electrical Engineer.  However, I still wasn’t satisfied.  This line of work didn’t nourish my soul.  I felt there was more to the great unknown of life and I kept reading and researching all I could on subjects such as meditation, ancient cultures, shamanism and energy work.  These subjects provoked some sort of deep understanding in me.  Something in me said “yes, this is what it’s all about and we all need more of this in our lives”.

Then around 2007, I started getting sick constantly.  Anxiety and panic set it, I constantly thought something was wrong with me and I was dying from some disease.  I had various aches and pains all over my body and would get dizzy or hyperventilate.  A few times I actually went to the ER because I desperately thought I was dying.  After each visit and subsequent doctors visits where they could not find anything wrong the doctors assured me that it was just panic attacks due to stress.

At this point I was fed up and decided to take matters into my own hands.  I started researching super-foods and healthy foods and diets.  I learned some anti-stress techniques, breath work, yoga, exercise, Qigong.  I also kept up with my reading and in doing so, I stumbled across a book called Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan.  I couldn’t put this book down.  It grabbed my attention and awoke a part of me that just danced as I read it.  I was slowly getting more healthy and de-stressed as well.  After I finished reading this book, I knew right away that Plant Spirit Medicine (PSM) was something I needed to learn and Eliot Cowan was someone I wanted to meet.

I found online that he ran a center which was located in the Catskill mountains of New York.  I found the website to the center, Blue Deer Center, and quickly looked at all of the programs and events they offered there.  I also used the website to locate a healer in my area, Adrilia Pedersen.

I put taking the training, which is close to a 3 year program, on hold until the right time as it was a large commitment.  In the meanwhile, I got in contact with Adrilia and started seeing her regularly.  This strengthened my desire to learn the medicine as I felt it and saw it for myself what it could do.  Adrilia really helped to bring me to the person that I am today, I have lots of gratitude for her and for the plants.  I got back to myself, and all the issues and sickness I was having went away.  I was healthy again and very thankful for all the turns in the road that led me here.

The rest is history.  In 2013 I signed up for the Plant Spirit Medicine healer training.  I loved being at the BDC (my second home) for all of the weeks of the training.  I did all of the coursework, study and practice required in order to graduate, be certified and practice.. In the final clinical weeks I presented patients successfully under the guidance and supervision of my teacher.  I graduated and was initiated as a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer by Eliot Cowan a fully initiated Tsauirrikame (shaman) in the Huichol tradition.  I now have great joy sharing the medicine with others and seeing it make such a huge difference in their lives.